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About us

Discovering the Magic
Within with
Nathalie Abdul

Nathalie Abdul’s life has been a journey of discovery, taking her through moments of both joy and pain. Growing up in a multicultural family, Nathalie excelled in business, but it was during a challenging period that she discovered her true passion for spiritual art. Through meditation and introspection, Nathalie shed limiting beliefs and found her purpose in helping others discover the wonder of their being.

Her dedication to spiritual art is a true testament to her unwavering commitment to guiding others on their own inner journey. Nathalie’s personal life is sacred, and she takes great care to cultivate all aspects of her existence as part of her path of growth and development.

Her unwavering commitment to helping others find their own inner journey through spiritual art reflects her deep passion and dedication to bringing wonder and meaning to the world.

"If you want to know God, know yourself, if you want to know yourself; know God"



Nathalie Abdul’s spiritual artwork is a reflection of her life’s journey and her profound inner exploration. Each piece is an expression of her dreams, insights, and experiences from a higher state of consciousness, brought to life through art. She views this as “spiritual art,” which serves as a conduit for her to share her wisdom and insights with the world.

Each piece of Nathalie Abdul’s artwork is a unique manifestation of a dream revealed through meditation. They are all named and inspired by glimpses from the divine plane, making each piece a deeply personal and spiritual creation.

The awakening of Kundalini energy in Nathalie’s life has had a profound influence on her artwork. This spiritual transformation has allowed her to imbue each piece with sacred pranic energy, making her artwork not just visually stunning, but also spiritually resonant

Yes, Nathalie Abdul’s spiritual and luxurious artworks are available for purchase. Each piece is a unique representation ofher spiritual journey and a testament to her dedication to helping others find their path and discover their full potential.

Nathalie Abdul’s artworks are created with great care and need to be treated likewise. Specific care instructions would depend on the material and size of the artwork. Once you purchase a piece, you’ll receive all the necessary information to ensure the artwork remains in excellent condition.

While each piece of Nathalie Abdul’s art isa unique expression of her spiritual journey and dreams, you can inquire about the possibility of custom orders. Please contact us directly for more information.

The process of buying Nathalie Abdul’s artwork is simple and secure. You can browse the available pieces on our website, select the one that resonates with you, and proceed to checkout. We ensure safe and reliable shipping for all purchases.

Yes, we are pleased to offer international shipping. Please note that shipping times and costs may vary depending on your location.

Each artwork sold comes with a Certificate of Authenticity, ensuring that you are purchasing an original Nathalie Abdul piece. This certificate guarantees the artwork’s value and origin.


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